How can we help you?
Health and occupational safety
"Safe and happy"
The health and safety of our employees is of great importance to us. We focus primarily on training, further education and raising awareness.
Our considerations
- Healthy and motivated employees are efficient and committed - and are an asset for the entire company. Especially in an industrial company like ours, the focus on occupational safety is of great importance to ensure the health of the employees and to avoid absenteeism.
Our objectives
- Objective 1: We aim to be certified to the health and safety management standard ISO 45001 by 31 December 2026.
Our fields of activity
- Technological innovations are implemented with advances in occupational safety and with reduced health burdens
- Monthly audits with external and internal safety representatives
- Training and courses
- Guidance for new employees on safety issues
- Focus on personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Cooperation with the company doctor
- Raising awareness of occupational safety
- Healthy meals in the canteen

"Our employees are our capital - without their competence, dedication and commitment, VOG Products would not have become the company it is today. That's why professional development, occupational safety and health are of such importance to us.”